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发贴人:admin 发贴时间:2012-10-13 19:43:29 点击次数:7765

Shanghai: Tour of Green Technology

一、目的及背景Objective and background

The Shanghai Municipality of the PRC is in many ways similar to Hong Kong in its sustainability challenges. It is a densely populated city with problems in municipality waste, water treatment, noise and air pollution. On the other hand, Shanghai has a developed industrial sector. There are issues and challenges for these businesses which may not be obvious to Hong Kong, as Hong Kong has a service industry driven economy.


The objective of this tour is to learn through exchanges with the Shanghai Government, the academics and industries on their policies and strategies towards the management of sustainable development in Shanghai.



  • 主办方:香港环境管理协会(EMAHK)
    Organizer The Environmental Management Association of Hong Kong (EMAHK)
  • 协办方:香港大学环境管理学系,华南环境及安全管理协会(SCESMA)
    Co-organizers: MSc Environmental Management Programme of the University of Hong Kong;
    South China Environment and Safety Management Association (SCESMA)


二、日期Date:31/10 (Wed) – 3/11 (Sat)
   参加人数No. of participants:
30人以内(Max. 30)




第1天 Day 1: (31/10 – Wed )
参观上海BASF公司、通用电气 (GE) 中国技术中心和DSM公司
Zhangjiang Hi-tech Industrial Park - GE & DSM

Zhangjiang Hi-tech Industrial Park is China's state-level high-tech industrial development zone. It was established in 1992 and represents the revolutionary transformation trend of China’s economic development pattern

GE (CTC) General Electric’s China Technology Centre is home to more than 20 research labs, working on technology for a number of GE businesses both in China and around the world, including Coal Polygeneration Technologies Lab (CPTL), Functional Materials Lab and Materials Characterization Lab.

DSM is the global leader in nutrition and nutrition innovation. DSM also listed amongst the top leaders on Dow Jones list of the Top 100 Sustainable Companies in the World within its category and is a major corporate partner of the World Food Program.

BASF - Pudong BASF is the world's leading chemical company. Its portfolio ranges from chemicals, plastics, performance products and crop protection products to oil and gas. Shanghai BASF Polyurethane Company Limited (SBPC) is a joint investment of BASF (70%), Shanghai Hua Yi (Group) Company (16%) and Sinopec Assets Management Corporation (14%) producing polyurethane under the Responsible Care concept. Commencing in 2003, the project was officially inaugurated in mid 2006.


第2天 Day 2 : (1/11 – Thur)
School of Environmental Science & Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU)
History of SJTU can dated back in 1896 and it is now one of the best universities in mainland. School of Environmental Science and Engineering established in 1999. The school has two departments: department of environmental science and department of environmental engineering. It also consisted of eight research institutes and two research centers. The school contributes a great deal to the green development of Shanghai and China.

Shanghai Chemical Industrial Park (SCIP) – SECCO & Shanghai Chemical Industry Park Natural Water Treatment System
SCIP is the first industrial zone specialized in the development of petrochemicals and fine chemistry businesses, and also one of the four industrial production bases in Shanghai.

Shanghai SECCO Petrochemical Company Limited was founded by China Petroleum and Chemical Corporation (Sinopec Corp.), Shanghai Petrochemical Company Limited (SPC) and BP East China Investment Company Limited. It is by far one of the largest petrochemical projects of joint venture in China. It covers over 200 hectares of land in SCIP.


第3天 Day 3 (2/11 – Fri) 参观上海市环保局和垃圾焚烧中心

Visit Shanghai Environmental Protection Department and Shanghai Municipal Incineration Facility incinerates about 1500 tons of trash a day. The facility has 3 boilers that provide the fuel to turn its 24MW turbines for a total of 1400000 kwH of energy, and the resulting fly ash is roughly around 20% by volume.

Shanghai Chemical Industry Park Natural Water Treatment System, designed by AECOM, is a 74-acre Natural Wastewater Treatment System, using wetland to purify the treated industrial wastewater for recycling within the industrial park.


第4天 Day 4 (3/11 – Sat) 参观崇明岛生态环保工作(暂定)
Chongming Island Chongming Island is China's third largest island, situated at the mouth of Yangtze River, has a population of 650,000 and an area of nearly 1,200 square kilometers. Chongming's ecology consists of forests, lakes, wetlands and farmlands.


Itinerary subject to revise without prior notice





Registration Form

Name of Participants






SCESMA Membership


Contact Number





请发送您的报名注册信息(报名人姓名,职务,公司,联系电话,邮箱)到 bielchiu@hotmail.com, 工作人员收到报名信息后会反馈给您是否报名成功,名额有限,赶快行动吧!!!







上一篇: 协会第16次参观活动-华南地区的可持续发展
下一篇: 协会第14次参观活动-Bosch珠海工厂

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